Battle of Annaberg

Battle of Annaberg
Part of Silesian Uprisings

Silesia in 1905
Date May 21–26, 1921
Location Annaberg, near Annaberg O.S., Upper Silesia, Germany
Result German victory
Polish insurgents Selbstschutz Oberschlesiens and Freikorps
Commanders and leaders
Count Mathias von Brudzewo-Mielzynski Karl Höfer
Bernhard von Hülsen
Casualties and losses

The Battle of (the) Annaberg (Polish: Bitwa o Górę Św. Anny) or Storming of (the) Annaberg (German: Sturm auf den Annaberg) was the biggest battle of the Silesian Uprisings.[2] The battle, which took place between May 21–26, 1921, was fought at the Annaberg (Polish: Góra Św. Anny), a strategic hill near the village of Annaberg O.S. (since 1945 Góra Świętej Anny), located southeast of Oppeln (Opole) in Upper Silesia, Weimar Germany. After the hill had been captured by irregular Polish-Silesian units in the Third Silesian Uprising, German Freikorps managed to drive the Poles from the hill.



By the Treaty of Versailles, the German Reichswehr was limited to a strength of 100,000. Several independent paramilitary Freikorps units were formed from the remnants of the German Imperial Army. The German Freikorps units often did not obey orders from the official government. The German government did however, assist with transportation and supplies.[3] Freikorps units fought against the communist groups in Germany, and also against Polish insurgents in the East. While Germany had recognized the independent Polish state in the aftermath of Versailles, there were some disputed areas, some of which saw violent conflict.

On April 30, 1921, Polish-Silesian officials, with Wojciech Korfanty, upon finding that Germany would be granted most of the plebiscite area in disputed Upper Silesia, decided to start the Third Uprising,[4] even though the government in Warsaw wanted to avoid hostilities at all costs.[5] On May 2, acts of sabotage by the Polish Wawelberg Group units under Konrad Wawelberg severed all connections between Upper Silesia and Germany.

On May 3, at 3 a.m., the Polish forces started the offensive and in the following days they pushed the small German forces westwards, reaching the line of the Oder river and capturing the 400-meter high strategic hill of Annaberg on May 4.

It took around two weeks for the Germans to prepare the counter offensive, bringing in volunteers from other German areas. The leaders settled for Generalleutnant Karl Höfer[6][7] as commander, while Generalleutnant Bernhard von Hülsen would lead the southern force at the Oder, and Oberstleutnant Grüntzen the northern one in the forests.[8]

In the meantime, their units were strengthened with the arrival of the Freikorps Oberland unit from Bavaria. Its soldiers, numbered at 1,650, were experienced veterans of World War I, under Major Albert Ritter von Beckh.[9] Among members of the FK Oberland were notable figures of the future Nazi Germany, including Sepp Dietrich (who distinguished himself during the battle),[10] Rudolf Höss, Edmund Heines, Beppo Römer, and Peter von Heydebreck, leader of the Werewolves[11] and later pronounced the "hero of Annaberg".[12] Also, there were several student-volunteers from the Bavarian town of Erlangen.[13] The German force also consisted of Silesian paramilitary battalions (Selbstschutzes Oberschlesien), consisting of recently demobilized veterans and men too young to have fought in World War I.[3] Although the Polish forces outnumbered the German troops in the region, the Germans had more experience than the Poles, of whom many were civilians.[3]


The Annaberg (Góra Świętej Anny, both names meaning "Saint Anne's Mountain"), with the monastery located on top of the hill, was regarded as a religious symbol for German Silesians.[14] It was strategically significant, as from its peak, the whole valley of the Oder/Odra could be dominated. The German commanders, Generals Höfer and Hülsen, decided to use three battalions of the Bavarian Oberland, which were transported to Krappitz (Krapkowice), on 19/20 May 1921. Manfred von Killinger, a Freikorps company commander, wrote, "it was time for a great, visible victory to take over from the wearying routine of patrols and positional battles".[15]

The German counterattack, which began at 2:30 a.m. on May 21,[15] was led by the Oberland Freikorps and Silesian Selbstschutz. Hülsen concentrated his six and a half undersized battalions,[15] numbering roughly 900 men,[1] into two columns to form left and right wings. The Germans launched their offensive, which started from a hill north of the Annaberg, against a regiment of Polish Silesian insurgents from Pless (Pszczyna), under Franciszek Rataj. The Germans lacked artillery, however, and fighting was fierce. Hülsen wrote, "We learned then how painful it could be to mount an assault on a fortified position without a single piece of artillery".[15] Bavarian Oberlanders were able to defeat a Polish counterattack with grenade and bayonet and capture two cannons, which they used in an attack on the town Oleschka (Oleszka) west of the mountain.[15]

After seven hours of heavy combat, the Germans managed to force the Pless regiment to withdraw[16] and then concentrated their attack on the neighboring regiment of Polish volunteers from Kattowitz (Katowice), under Walenty Fojkis, as well as Polish-Silesian battalions from Groß Strehlitz (Strzelce Opolskie) and Tost (Toszek), known as Group Bogdan. Among Polish forces defending the mountain, there also were miners from the Ferdinand coal mine in Kattowitz as well as workers from the Kattowitz suburb of Bogutschütz (Bogucice).[17] Altogether, Polish forces fighting in the area of the Annaberg formed Group East.[18]

At 11:00 a.m. the Germans began a coordinated advance on the mountain: the Finsterlin Battalion from the northwest, the Assault Detachment Heintz from the southwest, the Oestricher Battalion from the east, and the Sebringhaus Battalion and the Eicke Company from the southeast.[15] Under German pressure, the Poles, after heavy hand to hand combat, withdrew east. The subsequent Polish counterattack was repelled and the success of the Freikorps was widely reported in Germany, as it was regarded as the first German victory since November 1918.[14] A German participant wrote, "Our hearts trembled with joy as we watched the Poles evacuate their positions and the black-white-red flag appear on the clock tower of the convent".[1]

On May 23, the Poles, after regrouping and strengthening their forces with a battalion from Hindenburg O.S. (Zabrze) under Paweł Cyms, initiated a strong counterattack, but it was again repulsed by the German artillery, with great losses on both sides. Heavy fighting took place in neighboring villages, such as Leschnitz (Leśnica), Lichynia, Krasowa, Dolna, Olszowa and Klucz.


The government of each side could barely influence events as neither side had solid command structures and forces acted independently. On May 25, the Selbstschutz, under pressure from Berlin which threatened the Freikorps with serious penalties,[14] decided to initiate peace talks. On the next day, the general command of Polish forces ordered their units to cease fighting. Some additional skirmishes took place around June 4 to June 6, in which the Germans again managed to defeat the Poles.

In early July, Allied troops entered the area and separated the fighting sides; both Poles and Germans disengaged and retreated. Due to internal and external political reasoning, the contributions of the German fighters was not officially recognized by the government, which supported bitter feelings against the Weimar Republic. The reputation of the "Annaberg heroes" helped them in later years, however.

The disputed territory of Upper Silesia was subsequently divided between the two countries along voting lines (in the Upper Silesia plebiscite), with Poland receiving the eastern third of the area with the coal mines, even though the majority of areas which voted for Poland had been assigned to Germany.[19] The new border followed roughly the line separating the sides at the close of hostilities (see Upper Silesia plebiscite). The Annaberg itself remained part of Germany until 1945, when it was transferred to Poland according to the Potsdam Agreement and renamed.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Citino, p. 248
  2. ^ Góra Św. Anny: Europe's biggest amphitheatre
  3. ^ a b c Citino, p. 245
  4. ^ History of the Silesian Uprisings
  5. ^ Gazeta Wyborcza, May 2, 1921. Third Silesian Uprising
  6. ^ [1]
  7. ^ Oberschlesien in der Aufstandszeit, 1918–1921. by A. D. Karl Hoefer, review by H. F. P. Percival, International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931–1939), Vol. 17, No. 6 (Nov. – Dec., 1938), pp. 853–854 (review consists of 2 pages) [2]
  8. ^ Jurado, p. 31
  9. ^
  10. ^ Correlli Barnet, Hitler’s Generals, page 412
  11. ^ Jay W. Baird: Hitler's War Poets
  12. ^ [3]
  13. ^ Gary C. Fouse, Erlangen. An American's history of a German Town, page 135
  14. ^ a b c Jurado, p. 32
  15. ^ a b c d e f Citino, p. 247
  16. ^ Life of Walenty Fojkis, a commandant of the Polish forces
  17. ^ Katowice today and yesterday
  18. ^ Opole — our city
  19. ^ "Mapy narodowościowe Górnego Śląska od połowy XIX wieku do II Wojny Światowej" Dorota Borowicz Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Wrocław 2004


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